Thursday, March 17, 2011

Self Portraits

Susanna Coffey “Slam Dunk” (2003) U.SVincent vanGogh “Self Portrait”Paris   Rembrandt van Rijn “self portrait” 1660, Spain   
I picked these self portraits because they seem like they are similar in composition. They are all made of a type of oil paints. They all use a dark shade of paints and they are all in a different pose, which is another reason why picked them. It gives u a nice variety to see what different are capable of. The strongest portrait in my opinion is the “Slam Dunk” by Susanna Coffey, because it is very interesting with the swirling background and how she defines her shadows. I like how she makes you look at the glasses and you can’t really tell if they are broken or if they have a reflection on the lenses.                            
The reason that artists do a self portrait is maybe they try to see how they depict an image of themselves. They create an image of how they see themselves as a person. Another reason they might do a self portrait is to leave themselves a legacy, like something for people to remember them by when they pass on from life. They also might do self portraits so they can see how accurate they can make a painting of themselves.
They might also really like the way they look and they think it is a figure of beauty

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