Friday, May 13, 2011

5 Exerpts

1) Speed

I take things lightly
that perhaps are heavy.
For example, I know I'm the gap between two pavements,
yet I cross it as fast as I can — why?
And because I take risks with my voice,
I trip on air.
And the first bead of sweat that trickles down my forehead
drowns me.
I take things lightly
that I know to be heavy.
This is the truth.
Yet I am nothing but an illusion —
a lantern
lost in a forest.
And whoever comes across these words
will find a large stone.
You can easily
throw it in my face.

2) Adrenaline Rush
I’m an adrenaline junkie
I live fast and hard
I laugh at danger and give fear my best regards
I climb up high mountains
And when I reach the top
I stick ski’s on my feet and rush back down the drop

I scuba dive with sharks
And camp with grizzly
Some worry that I will come to harm but it’s not me that cares
I bungee jump and parachute
And abseil from great heights
I explore caves and dank dark holes I never get the frights

I’ve rafted down the rapids
And been on desert trails
Whatever task I set myself my courage never fails
I’ve never had companions
As I move across each nation
Cos the only thing that scares me is to have a conversation

Flying Lemming ,may,25,2008
 3) Matt Foltyn
Motocross is life

Every life has a starting gate

Everyone is just waiting for that 30 second board to go down and for the gate to drop, hoping that we get the whole shot

We have our rhythm sections, that are pretty tough to go through,
and sometimes we just pass them by

We have our ups and downs, such as the uphill and downhill jumps

Sometimes you crash and don’t get up, but you must try to get up and recover the race

In this race you’re always trying to beat everyone and trying to get to the top, and when the time comes, and you do things right, you win!

And when you don’t win, sometimes you just have to start another race, maybe rebuild your bike better or have a better strategy to win

Your pit crew and the people around you try to support you and take care of you, but sometimes you have to take matters into your own hands, and do it for yourself

But when it comes down to the end, it's how you finish, how much effort you put into it, how much time your willing to go through, how badly you want it all

Just like life
4 ) Snowmobiling
Wow how fast a snowmobile can go,
there just has to be some snow,
just don’t have any fear,
you just have to have some gear,
oh how I wish I was a pro
Create Date
Monday, February 02, 2009

Jacob Avsec
 5) wake boarding, by Alexandra Towers
Angry River so unchallenged
until I annihilate your masculinity
Slicing through
perfect currents
Defying the dominance
shredding the skin
My machine knows no hesitation
Laughing as i catapult
above your vindictive ways

soaring with the

picking out my prey

you as i ride away

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